Home > been away for a bit

been away for a bit

September 25th, 2006 at 02:22 am

We went to Binghamton for the weekend for nephew's 17th birthday party (he was FIVE when I met DH...I feel so OLD). A nice visit, as usual. I am so lucky to have found a partner with a family that I adore.
Bad news on the spending front - the entertainment envelope was empty tonight as we were looking for bowling money. We had a few events come up that we didn't plan for - a fall festival, the potato festival (we come up with a lot of reasons for festivals here in Small Town USA). Plus I forgot to budget for DH's Wed. bowling league. I'll try to plan better next month. We took $20 from the grocery envelope instead, so at least we didn't have to hit the dreaded ATM. The worst news though - another speeding ticket for DH. UGH. As upset as I was, it would be hypocritical of me to get mad at him as I speed as much, if not more, than he does. He just spends a lot more time on the road, so his chances of being caught are higher. I really hope it does not affect our insurance rates though. His court date isn't until October, so we are going to try to plead for leniency before then. He has already taken the defensive driving course, so that won't be a help for at least another year.
The good news though...two checks to deposit tomorrow. $546 commission check from my last transaction and $108 from my friend for our theatre tickets for next year (cc is already paid, so I can use this money toward other expenses). I think I will pay off two small cc bills ($50 total) and then make some payments on the big cc - the one we used for DH's tuition. It's a start, however small!

1 Responses to “been away for a bit”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Good for you making a dent on those CC bills!

    Speeding tickets - ugh!!

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