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the latest on the wasps...

September 28th, 2007 at 04:33 pm

I was looking up the difference between wasps and bees yesterday, and gave myself quite a scare when I say the picture of the honeybee. I had always pictured it fuzzier (more like a bumblebee), but it looked remarkably like the creatures we have in the walls. However, we took one to the local Cooperative Extension and they identified it as a wasp. Phew. That means there is no dripping honey in my walls to attract all kinds of rodents. They advised to plug all holes and let 'em die, or call an exterminator. I'm all for plugging the holes, if we knew exactly where they were! My dad is going to go at them again with some foam he found at the hardware yesterday. It's supposed to spread, unlike the spray, which only kills the ones it comes in contact with. I haven't been up there today, but my mom was, and she thinks the buzzing has quieted a bit.
And on the teeth front - I'm not in pain, which is good (thanks, vicadin!), but half of my mouth is numb and the other half is swollen. When I say swollen, I mean SWOLLEN. It literally looks like I have a golf ball in my cheek. I can't chew yet because it's hard to get my jaw closed enough to chew. So I've eaten soup, pudding, applesauce, and smoothies for two days. And I'm getting rather sick of it! But I'll take it over being in pain. The only worrisome part is that one of my teeth was close to a nerve. The surgeon didn't think he hit it, but the numbness from the Novacaine would have cleared up by now. So, the nerve must be causing the numbness - which could last weeks, months, or even permanently. Yikes.
DH has returned to Binghamton. Grandpa has left the hospital and returned to the nursing home - not because he is improving, but because there is nothing more they can do for him at the hospital. I hope to be able to join him later today.

2 Responses to “the latest on the wasps...”

  1. Carolina Bound Says:

    I had jaw surgery several years ago, I still have some numbness in my lower jaw and chin. But it's mild -- just a little irritating. It was very numb at first but gradually got better and better. I was also VERY SWOLLEN! I looked like I had a football in my mouth!

  2. boomeyers Says:

    I hope you feel better soon!
    CALL the exterminator! Really!!
    Sorry to hear about your grandpa. It is always hard to see someone you care about slip away.

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