Home > August budget

August budget

September 11th, 2006 at 02:51 pm

Finally getting around to a recap:

Goals for August:
Groceries: 275 -> 364.14 (due to camping supplies)
Household/Cell: 340 -> 89.76
Car: 250 -> 208.50 YEAH!
Medical: 15 -> 15
Clothes: 20 -> 0
Loans: 300.36 -> 100.36 (200 car payment came through in Sept.)
Entertainment: 100 -> 235.42 (I can blame this on my purchase of next year's theater membership - $128 paid early to save money)
Gifts: 125 -> 140
Miscellaneous: 200 -> 386.97 (thanks to DHs $155 speeding ticket!)
Real estate: 0 -> 90.62 (lockbox key semi-annual fee)
School: 0 -> 0
Investment: 0 -> 0
Cash withdrawals: 100 with no fees -> this was horrible: $460 with $6.50 in fees (all of which I can blame solely on DH)
Total expenses: 2097.27
Total income: (three paycheck month!!) 1920 -> 1940.85
I also received two commission checks for $3750.82, which was used to pay off DH's tuition (on cc). I had a little left over, which made up the shortfall for the month.

Next month is when things really start to get tight. We are paying the LAST tuition bill - over $5500, on a cc with 0% interest for a year. We will have to throw everything we can at this so that we won't have to deplete savings to pay it off next year. Also, I have to start paying $40/week for day care (2 kids, one full day) as DH is student teaching. My mom is watching the boys two days per week to help us out, but we had to cover the other day I work. I am thinking seriously of going to the envelope system since there will be so little money left over (I went to Aldi's yesterday forgetting that they do not take credit cards - and not knowing my debit card #. I scrounged up $13.44 between my wallet and car. It was amazing how many things I put back on the shelf when prioritizing! I left there with $.13 in my pocket and still have everything I needed. This is really what persuaded me to look at the envelope system again!).

Goals for September:
Groceries: 275
Household/Cell: 90 (cell) - my mom told me NOT to pay her for household expenses until DH was done teaching - they are so generous because they know how tight things are right now. I am so fortunate.
Car: 400 OUCH! Dh is commuting over an hour to his teaching site every day.
Medical: 200 (one copay, two prescriptions, and two dentist visits)
Clothes: 0
Loans: 300.36
Entertainment: 165 (35/week for bowling and babysitter plus a little extra)
Gifts: 75 (three birthdays)
Miscellaneous: 100
Real estate: 0
School/Day care: 40 - only need this one Monday for Sept - next month it will be 160
Investment: 0
Cash withdrawals: 100 with no fees
Total expenses: 1745.36
Total income: 1579.50
I am expecting a commission check of about $500. This will go toward the shortfall of $165.86, plus toward an existing cc balance.
It looks worse than it really is. If it were really this bad, I would obviously cut out the entertainment budget. But we bowl together as a family (my parents and siblings), plus DH really enjoys it. We are sitting on a comfortable emergency fund, which we may have to dip into for the next few months until DH can start working again. So we're okay. We have a place to live, food on the table, and medical care. It's all good Smile

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