Home > August goals

August goals

August 6th, 2006 at 01:58 am

Goals for August:
Groceries: 275
Household/Cell: 340
Car: 250 - should be able to meet this as DH's school ends next week for the summer
Medical: 15
Clothes: 20
Loans: 300.36
Entertainment: 100
Gifts: 125 (one wedding, one graduation)
Miscellaneous: 200
Real estate: 0
School: 0
Investment: 0
Cash withdrawals: 100 with no fees
Total expenses: 1725.36
Total income: (three paycheck month!!) 1920
Wow, in the black again. I should be getting two commission checks for about $3600 total, but they will be used to pay the cc ($3500), which has last semester's tuition on it, so I am not even going to count that money.

3 Responses to “August goals”

  1. Dido Says:

    You've inspired me--I'm going to put up my goals too, and track them (since I went over miserably last month).

    Congrats on getting back in the black and paying off the CC!

  2. Meredith Says:

    Commission for what? What do you do?

  3. jodi_m Says:

    I sell real estate (part-time). I usually only make $6 or 7k per year, but it's money above and beyond our budget, so it goes directly to the student loans (or in this case, tuition!). I could make more, but for me it's not worth the time I would have to sacrifice with family. I may get more involved when the kids are in school.

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