Home > no market today

no market today

July 13th, 2006 at 01:26 am

It rained. It poured. It rained some more. I think we ended up with 3-4 inches here in central NY. So, no, I did not even bother to go to the Farmer's Market today. I would have been drenched, and I doubt anyone even come out to buy anything in this deluge.
I did bake up the two batches of cookies I mixed up last night - into the freezer they go, to be saved for my brother's rehearsal dinner next month. I have to say, I was disappointed in the texture of them. I don't know if it was because they were still cold when I baked them, or a result of sitting overnight before baking...but they were different - and not as good.
I did sneak out between the rain and picked four more quarts of blackberries. These are some of the biggest berries I have ever seen growing wild. Enormous! I'll take a few quarts in to work tomorrow to leave in the break room. If I sell two, well then, that's $10 in my pocket! The last quart I am taking to my neighbor, as she always shares her strawberries with us - and lately, raspberries too.

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