Home > Continuing with the blackberries...

Continuing with the blackberries...

July 7th, 2006 at 02:46 am

Okay, this farmers market thing has gotten pretty consuming. I keep thinking about what I can do next week! it's fun. I think I am going to try my hand at blackberry pies. Pies are not hard to make - it just seems like they are. Every time I make one I surprise myself with how easy it was, as I always seem to remember it taking longer. I'll have to find out how many blackberries it takes, though. If I sell a pie for $8, but it takes $5 worth of blackberries to make it, then $3 is not worth my time. But if it only takes $2 worth, then I can make a tidy profit. Anyone know how to make blackberry pie??
Today I paid $400 of the $653 cc bill, so we don't have a lot left. However...I did decide to charge next semester's tuition, since I will have to commission checks by the time the payment is due. Even if I don't I can pay it from the emergency fund rather than take out more student loans at the higher rate. We will definitely have to take out loans for the last semester (Sept-Dec), but then DH will be DONE (with $20k in loans...).
Went out to lunch with a friend today - nice visit. I had to charge lunch ($5.12) as I forgot both my cash and my ATM card. Duh.

3 Responses to “Continuing with the blackberries...”

  1. lrjohnson Says:

    I wish you lived in my neighborhood....tons and tons of blackberry, free berries...plump and juicy.

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Okay, so my raspberries are just turning red now, and we don't even get blackberries until August...I am so jealous. Blueberries are starting to turn, had five blue ones today. But I also still have a few strawberries left...Still nothing is as good as blackberries.

    Have you thought about making blackberry jam in little pint sized jars?

  3. jodi_m Says:

    LuckyRobin, I am so afraid to can. I always think I will do it wrong and give everyone food poisoning! Last year I made a batch of "refrigerator" jam - I didn't seal them and just kept them in the fridge. This year, I need to learn...

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