Home > January 8 - bowling night!

January 8 - bowling night!

January 9th, 2006 at 02:03 am

Just got back from bowling - a mediocre night. Oh well...our team took five points out of seven, so I guess we did pretty good overall. I did end up talking with some friends of my brother who are casually looking to buy a new house (and sell theirs if they find one), so that might turn into something positive. We spent $15 for the babysitter and arranged for her to come back one night next week while we are out of town to give my parents a break. No money spent for bowling because we prepaid a few weeks ago.
Not much to report tonight- I've been staying up way too late for too many nights in a row now, so I have got to get to bed early tonight.
January expenses: $421.12 + 15 + 9.22 (Wal-Mart - $5 medical and 4.22 misc.) = $445.34
January income: $905.41
I am fasting for a cholesterol check in the does your body always know to become absolutely starving when you can't eat??? Another reason to get to bed...

1 Responses to “January 8 - bowling night!”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    A night bowling is never mediocre if you are with friends. I hope your cholesterol test turns out well. Best of luck!

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